Contains the steps to implement IAS Open Measurement Display (OMID) for Web for VAST providers.
This document guides you through the steps to implement IAS Open Measurement Display (OMID) for Web for VAST providers.
1) Include script in <Extensions> node as shown:
<Extension type="AdVerifications">
<Verification vendor="ias">
<JavaScriptResource apiFramework="omid" browserOptional=”false”> <![CDATA[]]>
2) Don't include <VerificationParameters>
Include script directly as <AdVerifications>
Don’t include <VerificationParameters>
vendor attribute in node should always be "ias".
browserOptional attribute is always "false" for the web OMID script (VANS adapter), so IAS isn't loaded by mistake into DOMless environments where IAS isn't able to measure.
This is the URL in the CDATA in the <JavascriptResource> node.
Production | QA/Staging (Do NOT include in production tags) | |
CM | protocol:// | protocol:// |
FW | protocol:// | protocol:// |
Note: For QA/test tags, notice that "" and "" are different hostnames.
Note: After implementing the IAS OMID for web integration, give IAS a test server/test tags to add to IAS's regression testing.
All parameters to be passed to IAS for reporting should be passed to the OMID VANS adapter by appending it to the end of the adapter script as query parameters - including, but not limited to:
IDs like advEntityId/pubEntityId
Debug parameters for troubleshooting
Additional IDs
If these IDs are not appended correctly, clients will not receive reporting.
IAS recommends implementing this in as flexible a fashion as possible, especially given the need for CM macro support in FW.
For test/QA tags, automatically append debug=true to the adapter script if it is not provided already.
Implement some way for IAS to pass parameters to the adapter for testing - whether it's in the URL, or some cookie IAS can set.
Example of the IAS OMID script being included correctly:
Example of the IAS OMID script being included correctly:
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