This document provides a technical overview of segment specifications, steps, and processes necessary to implement the Integral Ad Science (IAS) segment API.
The Pre-bid Targeting - API Segments for Platforms integration is a data information exchange service that enables customers to query the IAS to obtain information regarding a specific URL (page), IP Address, or bundle ID (mobile app). This data provides valuable information and a better understanding of content risk, content categorization, viewability, and media quality. The service is designed to use an API directly from the platform's servers to IAS. This API can be integrated to support clients' bidder lookup through wired calls over public networks resolved by IAS data centers.
During the pre-sales or integration process, you are assigned an IAS Solution Engineer representative, who provides additional documentation and support. Please use this guide, along with the Pre-bid Targeting Segments for Platforms Reference Guide to complete your integration.
Platforms must support IAS post-impression monitoring solution for post bid ad level reporting for post bid ad level reporting. Your IAS Solution Engineer representative provides the related implementation details and implementation guides. The following requirements are for Pre-bid targeting integrations:
Platforms provide IAS the respective server macro names to assign values to IAS support ID parameters: including the bid URL macro, which is a mandatory requirement. The platform macros are responsible for assigning/writing out the necessary ID value within the platform ad container at the time of delivery/bid execution.
Platforms support third party pixels either via the piggy back method, where the platform or buyer append the IAS pixel tag directly on creatives prior to platform upload, or via platform supported creative templates (where ideally, a pixel is auto inserted with all supported macros on all creatives that have IAS targeting active).
IAS encourages ad level information for user, bidder, and ad are passed via a macro. This information is used, along with the bid URL macro, for IAS internal troubleshooting/analysis initiated by either platform or buyer.
In video viewability targeting scenarios, platforms are responsible for supporting and trafficking IAS VAST/VPAID wrapper tags as opposed to client provided VAST/VPAID tags during implementation testing. The IAS wrapped tags are necessary to capture and record the necessary VPAID events to effectively measure and report upon viewability. Your Solutions Services representative provides more details, initiates testing of such tags during integration, and provides more information during the integration process.
You need to send a usage report if you handle billing on a CPM or percent of ad spend basis.
Prior to using the Pre-Bid Segment API, you must send the following spreadsheet to:
Client Reporting at
Financial Planning & Analysis at
Also, copy your IAS DSP representative when sending the spreadsheet. Your terms and conditions agreement with IAS defines the frequency when to send this spreadsheet.
This spreadsheet is an XLS file with the following header fields. Include all fields in this exact order but you may leave optional fields empty:
Field | Type | Is Required | Notes |
Date | Text | Yes | mmddyyyy format |
Partner Name | Text | Yes | The name of the buying entity (agency). For example: ACME IE |
Partner ID | General | Yes | For example: 12345 |
Advertiser Name | Text | Yes | For example: Widget IE |
Advertiser ID | General | Yes | For example: 1234 |
Country/region/state (buying) | Text | No | For example: germany |
Line item Name/Campaign Name | Text | Yes | For example: OLY-IE-WID-DESKTOP-EX |
Line ID/Campaign ID | General | No | For example: 123456 |
Format | Text | Yes | Slash separate multiple values. Possible values: Audio Display Video For example: Display/Video |
Environment | Text | Yes | Slash separate multiple values. Possible values: In-App Web For example: Web/In-App |
Device Type | Text | Yes | Slash separate when more than one value. Possible values: Tablet Desktop Mobile CTV For example: Tablet/Desktop |
Segment Type/Category | Text | Yes | IAS segment type. Possible values: Brand Safety Viewability IVT Context control avoidance Context control targeting Quality Impression |
Segment Category ID | General | No | Segment Category ID defined by a DSP. Consult your DSP for a list of segment category IDs. |
Context Control Specific ID | General | No | IAS specific segment ID for the context control segment. For example: 1500195 |
Impressions | Number | Yes | Zero decimal places. For example: 9,876,543,210 |
Segment CPM Rate | Currency | No | The Segment CMP rate which follows the rate card. If not using the rate card, indicate the preferred pricing. Use USD for the currency, unless your terms and conditions agreement specifies differently. For example: $.05 |
Revenue | Currency | Yes | Use USD for the currency, unless your terms and conditions agreement specifies differently. For example: $123,456.78 |
For example:
The Pre-bid API endpoint response is accessible over HTTP. This API returns the segment IDs (alpha description) or segment codes (integer values) as a JSON response which you must parse to support your bidder infrastructure.
http://{API Host Name}/db2/client/{Client ID}/{Data Method}
Resource | Value | Description |
API Host Name | Desktop / Mobile Web or Mobile App specific | Hostname |
Client ID | IAS supplied | Static client ID IAS supplies to determine authorization and permission to access the API |
Data Method | seg or segt | Determines how IAS returns results. seg = code response segt = ID response |{client ID}/{Data Method}?adsafe_url={URL}&adsafe_ip={IP address}
The Desktop / Mobile Web Segments have the following query parameters:
Query Parameter | Value | Description |
adsafe_url | Primary key URL to be rated | An optional parameter, adsafe_url is a URL coming from the client's bidder to obtain an IAS rating. The URL can be percent- encoded/URL encoded or non-URL encoded. IAS rates the adsafe_url on brand safety protection, invalid traffic, and viewability segments. adsafe_url can be used with adsafe_ip, or separately. |
adsafe_ip | IPv4 address from the bid request | An optional parameter, adsafe_ip is the IPV4 address you want to evaluate for invalid traffic. adsafe_ip provides real-time invalid traffic prevention against bots and machines. adsafe_ip can be used with adsafe_url, or separately. |
The following examples show a segment code and ID.
Data Method = seg
Method | Example |
Request |{client ID}/seg?adsafe_url={URL to be rated} |
Data Method = segt
Method | Example |
Request |{client ID}/segt?adsafe_url={URL to be rated} |
Response | {"segment_ids":["307649","307746", "307804","402116","402117", "402119","402120","402121","402122", "402123","402124","402125","402126", "402127","402129","402142","560997","1344417","1344423","1464917"]} |
The following examples show a segment code and ID.
Data Method = seg
Method | Example |
Request |<IP> |
Response | segment_codes:["ESAIPH"]} |
Data Method = segt
Method | Example |
Request |<IP> |
Response | {segment_ids:["411"]} |
The following examples show a segment code and ID.
Data Method = seg
Method | Example |
Request | |
Data Method = segt
Method | Example |
Request | |
Response | {"segment_ids":["307649","307746","307804","402116","402117", "402119","402120","402121","402122","402123","402124", "402125","402126","402127","402129","402142","560997", "1344417","1344423","1464917","411"]} |
Caching Guidelines
IAS recommends the following caching guidelines/best practices:
8 hours for IP Address
23 hours for URL
IAS created a dedicated endpoint exclusive to mobile app Pre-bid API requests which follows a standard level-2 REST style API. IAS recommends using the mobile app REST endpoint for integrating partners with mobile app for existing and new clients.
IAS offers the endpoint sub-domain for clients who require segment data responses to be backwards compatible with the existing web specific endpoints.
You must preserve case when sending package names to the Pre-bid API. Otherwise, IAS may use the wrong app, or even fail to identify any app (which returns an empty segment response).
Query Parameter | Value | Description |
bundle_id | Apple IDs are numeric, while Android IDs are stringsApple and Android package names are strings. | Identifies an app and is required. Apple or Android store ID, or software package name. |
app_store | apple or android | The app store value, either for Apple or Android |
content_id | String | Content identifier that allows IRIS-enabled publishers to share video-level data for advertising applications |
encoded_user_agent | Encoded user agent from bid request | Use when the App Store value is not available |
Data Method = seg
Method | Example |
Request | GET{client ID}/seg?bundle_id={bundle ID to be rated}&app_store={APP STORE} |
Response | {"segment_codes":["EHALA","EHMALA","EHDLA","EHMDLA","EHDGA","EHMDGA"]} |
Data Method = segt
Method | Example |
Request | GET{client ID}/segt?bundle_id={bundle ID to be rated}&app_store={APP STORE} |
Response | {"segment_ids":["4000","4001","4002","4003","4004","4005","4006","4007","4008"]} |
All responses match the response format setup on the current display/video endpoint.
Bundle ID
There are two ways to specify a bundle_id to identify an app:
Apple or Android store ID – Apple IDs are numeric, while Android IDs are strings.
Software package name – both Apple and Android package names are strings. Android package names are always the same as the Android store IDs.
Examples of bundle IDs:
Apple App Store: 416580485.
Android Play store:
Apple package name: bbc.iplayer.ios
App store
To retrieve brand safety scores for a mobile app, IAS requires an App Store value (or an encoded user agent when the App Store value is not available). For example:{client ID}/{Data Method }?bundle_id={BUNDLE ID}&app_store={APP STORE}
Encoded user agent
Provide an encoded user agent when the App Store value is not available. For example:{client ID}/{Data Method }?bundle_id={BUNDLE ID}&encoded_user_agent={ENCODED USER AGENT}
Caching Guidelines
IAS recommends a 24 hour caching guidelines/best practice for the bundle ID.
IAS recommends the following aching guidelines/best practices:
24 hour for the bundle ID
8 hours for IP Address
23 hours for URL
Cache-Control Header
The Pre-bid API for Desktop/Mobile Web and Mobile App uses the HTTP header Cache-Control with max-age= set to the cache time in seconds. If there are any internal errors, IAS sets Cache-Control: no-cache.
Environment | max-age in Seconds |
Desktop/Mobile Web | 28800 |
Mobile App | 82800 |
If there are any internal errors on Desktop/Mobile Web, IAS sets Cache-Control: no-cache. (Mobile App doesn't support no-cache.)
During the pre-sales or integration process, IAS assigns a representative to provide additional documentation and support.
No cache HTTP header:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: abc
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2020 18:37:10 GMT
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: no-cache
Max age HTTP header for Desktop/Mobile Web:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: abc
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2020 18:37:10 GMT
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=28800
Max age HTTP header for Mobile App:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: abc
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2020 18:37:10 GMT
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=82800
IAS uses the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework for authorization with the Pre-bid API. OAuth 2.0 provides enhanced security on restricted resources adding an extra level of data security without sending a username and password in each request.
You need to register with IAS to get a client ID and secret which are used to obtain a token. Then the token is used to make the request to the Pre-bid API.
Area | URI |
Token URI | |
Desktop / Mobile Web Segments URI Base |<client ID>/seg |
Mobile App Segment URI Base |<client ID>/seg |
Summary of steps:
Coordinate with IAS on client ID and secret
Acquire token
Make requests using the token
See Authentication Sample for a complete example.
Consult with your IAS Solution Engineer representative for a client ID and client secret which you use when you request a token.
You must use the client_credentials grant type to obtain a token. Once generated, you can re-use the token with multiple requests to the Pre-bid API until the token expires (the expiration time is specified in the response JSON which includes the access token, the token type, and the scope).
An authentication example using the Unix curl utility and sample output.
curl -H "Accept: application/json" -u clientID:clientSecret -d grant_type=client_credentials
{ "access_ token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOlsicHJlQmlkIl0sInNjb3Bl IjpbInByZUJpZC5zZWciXSwiZXhwIjoxNTA0NjU5MzEzLCJqdGkiOiI2MWJmZDQ5OC1mYzE2LTQ3Y jItYTYwMi0yZGY1ZmI5MDc4MTQiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiIxMTkyMiJ9.vloa0uLR2xQ_ nmoFUkLowran6TneiIPzmHMzW2mtduo", "token_type":"bearer", "expires_in":21599, "scope":"preBid.seg", "jti":"6ccae353-161e-4a41-a1f3-aadd7a1e5898" }
Parameter | Description |
{client ID}:{client secret} | client ID and secret, separated by a colon |
grant_type | set to
client_credentials |
The token request returns JSON with the following values:
Value | Description |
access_token | token to use in the authorization header for requests to the Pre-bid API |
token_type | defines how the
was generated and how to make requests |
expires_in | token expiration time in seconds |
scope | where the token is applicable |
jti | identifier used for IAS's internal diagnostics |
Use the token in an authorization header GET request to the Pre-bid API. IAS has an end point for desktop / mobile web and mobile app segments. See API Endpoint Information Details for more information on the desktop / mobile web and mobile app segments.
Desktop / Mobile Web
curl -H "Authorization:bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOlsicHJlQmlkIl0sInNjb3BlIjpbInByZUJpZC5zZWciXSwiZXhwIjoxNTA0NjU5MzEzLCJqdGkiOiI2MWJmZDQ5OC1mYzE2LTQ3YjItYTYwMi0yZGY1ZmI5MDc4MTQiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiIxMTkyMiJ9.vloa0uLR2xQ_nmoFUkLowran6TneiIPzmHMzW2mtduo ""
Mobile App
curl -H "Authorization:bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOlsicHJlQmlkIl0sInNjb3BlIjpbInByZUJpZC5zZWciXSwiZXhwIjoxNTA0NjU5MzEzLCJqdGkiOiI2MWJmZDQ5OC1mYzE2LTQ3YjItYTYwMi0yZGY1ZmI5MDc4MTQiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiIxMTkyMiJ9.vloa0uLR2xQ_nmoFUkLowran6TneiIPzmHMzW2mtduo" ""
curl -v -H "Authorization:bearer <token>" "<client ID>/seg?bundle_id=123456789""
The OAuth 2.0 server returns the following responses:
Response Code | Response | Description |
200 | OK | The request passed |
403 | Forbidden | The OAuth 2.0 server found an error with an invalid, forbidden, a No Token or an expired token. If the token is expired, you need to acquire a new token as detailed in the section Step 2. Get the token. |
IAS API segments are divided into Desktop/Mobile Web and Mobile App Segments.
IAS viewability targeting benefits from the highest accuracy and precision. IAS recommends you choose one segment per campaign based upon your business needs. Each segment contains inventory that includes that level of viewability and higher. The presence of the segment means it is good to serve the ad. IAS requires new DSPs observe a two-week warm-up period for only test traffic, while IAS collects data and calibrates the segments. Additional targeting parameters may affect realized results for any specific campaign.
Note: As of the publication date of this document, the IAB qualification for a display viewable ad is 50% of the ad is in view for 1 continuous second and for a viewable video ad is 50% of the ad is in view for 2 continuous seconds.
Seg Code | Seg ID | Segment Description | Format | Channel |
PM40D | 140 | Target 40% viewability or higher for display campaigns | Display | All |
PM50D | 150 | Target 50% viewability or higher for display campaigns | Display | All |
PM60D | 160 | Target 60% viewability or higher for display campaigns | Display | All |
PM70D | 170 | Target 70% viewability or higher for display campaigns | Display | All |
PM40DD | 940 | Target 40% viewability or higher for display campaigns | Display | Desktop |
PM40DM | 640 | Target 40% viewability or higher for display campaigns on mobile web | Display | Mobile Web |
PM40V | 92640 | Target 40% viewability or higher for video campaigns | Video | All |
PM40VD | 92040 | Target 40% viewability or higher for desktop video campaigns | Video | Desktop |
PM40VM | 92340 | Target 40% viewability or higher for mobile web video campaigns | Video | Mobile Web |
PM50DD | 950 | Target 50% viewability or higher for display campaigns | Display | Desktop |
PM50DM | 650 | Target 50% viewability or higher for display campaigns on mobile web | Display | Mobile Web |
PM50V | 92650 | Target 50% viewability or higher for video campaigns | Video | All |
PM50VD | 92050 | Target 50% viewability or higher for desktop video campaigns | Video | Desktop |
PM50VM | 92350 | Target 50% viewability or higher for mobile web video campaigns | Video | Mobile Web |
PM60DD | 960 | Target 60% viewability or higher for display campaigns | Display | Desktop |
PM60DM | 660 | Target 60% viewability or higher for display campaigns mobile web | Display | Mobile Web |
PM60V | 92660 | Target 60% viewability or higher for video campaigns | Video | All |
PM60VD | 92060 | Target 60% viewability or higher for desktop video campaigns | Video | Desktop |
PM60VM | 92360 | Target 60% viewability or higher for mobile web video campaigns | Video | Mobile Web |
PM70DD | 970 | Target 70% viewability or higher for display campaigns | Display | Desktop |
PM70DM | 670 | Target 70% viewability or higher for display campaigns mobile web | Display | Mobile Web |
PM70V | 92670 | Target 70% viewability or higher for video campaigns | Video | All |
PM70VD | 92070 | Target 70% viewability or higher for desktop video campaigns | Video | Desktop |
PM70VM | 92370 | Target 70% viewability or higher for mobile web video campaigns | Video | Mobile Web |
PMLD | 9140 | Target up to 40% viewability for display campaigns | Display | All |
PMLDD | 930 | Target up to 40% viewability for display campaigns | Display | Desktop |
PMLDM | 639 | Target up to 40% viewability for display campaigns on mobile web | Display | Mobile Web |
PMLV | 92630 | Target up to 40% viewability for video campaigns | Video | All |
PMLVD | 92030 | Target up to 40% viewability for desktop video campaigns | Video | Desktop |
PMLVM | 92330 | Target up to 40% viewability for mobile web video campaigns | Video | Mobile Web |
Seg Code | Seg ID | Segment Description | Format | Channel |
PM40D_160x600 | 141 | Target 40% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 160x600 | Display | All |
PM40D_300x250 | 144 | Target 40% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 300x250 | Display | All |
PM40D_320x50 | 142 | Target 40% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 320x50 | Display | All |
PM40D_728x90 | 143 | Target 40% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 728x90 | Display | All |
PM40DD_160x600 | 941 | Target 40% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 160x600 | Display | Desktop |
PM40DD_300x250 | 942 | Target 40% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 300x250 | Display | Desktop |
PM40DD_728x90 | 943 | Target 40% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 728x90 | Display | Desktop |
PM40DM_300x250 | 641 | Target 40% viewability or higher for mobile web display campaigns for ad size 300x250 | Display | Mobile Web |
PM40DM_320x50 | 642 | Target 40% viewability or higher for mobile web display campaigns for ad size 320x50 | Display | Mobile Web |
PM40DM_728x90 | 643 | Target 40% viewability or higher for mobile web display campaigns for ad size 728x90 | Display | Mobile Web |
PM50D_160x600 | 151 | Target 50% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 160x600 | Display | All |
PM50D_300x250 | 154 | Target 50% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 300x250 | Display | All |
PM50D_320x50 | 152 | Target 50% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 320x50 | Display | All |
PM50D_728x90 | 153 | Target 50% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 728x90 | Display | All |
PM50DD_160x600 | 951 | Target 50% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 160x600 | Display | Desktop |
PM50DD_300x250 | 952 | Target 50% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 300x250 | Display | Desktop |
PM50DD_728x90 | 953 | Target 50% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 728x90 | Display | Desktop |
PM50DM_300x250 | 651 | Target 50% viewability or higher for mobile web display campaigns for ad size 300x250 | Display | Mobile Web |
PM50DM_320x50 | 652 | Target 50% viewability or higher for mobile web display campaigns for ad size 320x50 | Display | Mobile Web |
PM50DM_728x90 | 653 | Target 50% viewability or higher for mobile web display campaigns for ad size 728x90 | Display | Mobile Web |
PM60D_160x600 | 161 | Target 60% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 160x600 | Display | All |
PM60D_300x250 | 164 | Target 60% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 300x250 | Display | All |
PM60D_320x50 | 162 | Target 60% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 320x50 | Display | All |
PM60D_728x90 | 163 | Target 60% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 728x90 | Display | All |
PM60DD_160x600 | 961 | Target 60% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 160x600 | Display | Desktop |
PM60DD_300x250 | 962 | Target 60% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 300x250 | Display | Desktop |
PM60DD_728x90 | 963 | Target 60% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 728x90 | Display | Desktop |
PM60DM_300x250 | 661 | Target 60% viewability or higher for mobile web display campaigns for ad size 300x250 | Display | Mobile Web |
PM60DM_320x50 | 662 | Target 60% viewability or higher for mobile web display campaigns for ad size 320x50 | Display | Mobile Web |
PM60DM_728x90 | 663 | Target 60% viewability or higher for mobile web display campaigns for ad size 728x90 | Display | Mobile Web |
PM70D_160x600 | 171 | Target 70% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 160x600 | Display | All |
PM70D_300x250 | 174 | Target 70% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 300x250 | Display | All |
PM70D_320x50 | 172 | Target 70% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 320x50 | Display | All |
PM70D_728x90 | 173 | Target 70% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 728x90 | Display | All |
PM70DD_160x600 | 971 | Target 70% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 160x600 | Display | Desktop |
PM70DD_300x250 | 972 | Target 70% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 300x250 | Display | Desktop |
PM70DD_728x90 | 973 | Target 70% viewability or higher for display campaigns for ad size 728x90 | Display | Desktop |
PM70DM_300x250 | 671 | Target 70% viewability or higher for mobile web display campaigns for ad size 300x250 | Display | Mobile Web |
PM70DM_320x50 | 672 | Target 70% viewability or higher for mobile web display campaigns for ad size 320x50 | Display | Mobile Web |
PM70DM_728x90 | 673 | Target 70% viewability or higher for mobile web display campaigns for ad size 728x90 | Display | Mobile Web |
PMLDD_160x600 | 931 | Target up to 40% viewability for display campaigns for ad size 160x600 | Display | Desktop |
PMLDD_300x250 | 932 | Target up to 40% viewability for display campaigns for ad size 300x250 | Display | Desktop |
PMLDD_728x90 | 933 | Target up to 40% viewability for display campaigns for ad size 728x90 | Display | Desktop |
Seg Code | Seg ID | Segment Description | Format | Channel |
TIVADD | 9000 | Target the top 30% of pages with longest time-in-view duration for display on desktop | Display | Desktop |
TIVCDD | 9002 | Target the top 15% of pages with longest time-in-view duration for display on desktop | Display | Desktop |
Viewability - MRC Performance Matching
Seg Code | Seg ID | Segment Description | Format | Channel |
PM40DA | 4040 | Target 40% viewability or higher for mobile app display campaigns | Display | Mobile App |
PM50DA | 4050 | Target 50% viewability or higher for mobile app display campaigns | Display | Mobile App |
PM60DA | 4060 | Target 60% viewability or higher for mobile app display campaigns | Display | Mobile App |
PM70DA | 4070 | Target 70% viewability or higher for mobile app display campaigns | Display | Mobile App |
PMLDA | 4030 | Target up to 40% viewability for mobile app display campaigns | Display | Mobile App |
Desktop/Mobile Web Segments
IAS invalid traffic prevention provides comprehensive coverage against both general invalid traffic (GIVT) and sophisticated invalid traffic (SIVT). A combination of predictive and real-time signals identifies and avoid site and bot invalid traffic - IAS technology is inclusive of URL, IP, and User Agent invalid traffic data. The invalid traffic prevention segments exclude/avoid invalid traffic risks. The presence of the segment means it is good to serve the ad. Using proprietary machine learning, algorithmic modeling, and human verification, IAS rates the risk that a website or the advertisements appearing on it are associated with illegal or deceptive activity such as click fraud or invalid traffic.
IAS provides the following invalid traffic segments in the bid requests:
Seg Code | Seg ID | Segment Description | Format | Channel |
ESA | 401 | Avoid HIGH risk invalid traffic pages as rated by IAS | Display | Desktop |
ESAHM | 402 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk invalid traffic pages as rated by IAS | Display | Desktop |
ESAHMV | 407 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk invalid traffic video pages as rated by IAS | Video | Desktop |
ESAIPH | 411 | Avoid IP addresses which IAS has identified as invalid traffic | All | All |
ESAUNR | 400 | Avoid pages which IAS has not rated for invalid traffic | Display | Desktop |
ESAUNRV | 410 | Avoid video pages which IAS has not rated for invalid traffic | Video | Desktop |
ESAV | 404 | Avoid HIGH risk invalid traffic video pages as rated by IAS | Video | Desktop |
Seg Code | Seg ID | Segment Description | Format | Channel |
ESAA | 4016 | Avoid HIGH risk invalid traffic content apps as rated by IAS | Display | Mobile App |
ESAAV | 8016 | Avoid HIGH risk invalid traffic content apps for video as rated by IAS | Video | Mobile App |
ESAHMA | 4017 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk invalid traffic content apps as rated by IAS | Display | Mobile App |
ESAHMAV | 8017 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk invalid traffic content apps for video as rated by IAS | Video | Mobile App |
ESAUNRA | 4015 | Avoid apps which IAS has not rated for invalid traffic | Display | Mobile App |
ESAUNRAV | 8015 | Avoid apps for video which IAS has not rated for invalid traffic | Video | Mobile App |
IAS brand safety protection ensures campaigns align with quality content via 8 categories and a custom segments. The brand safety scoring uses a predictive methodology that applies keyword and analysis. IAS dynamically updates the page-level scores. The brand safety prevention segments exclude/avoid brand safety risks. The presence of the segment means it is good to serve the ad. IAS recommends implementing AND logic between multiple brand safety categories.
IAS provides the following brand safety protection segments in the bid requests:
Segment Category | Web | App | Avoid Pages or Apps Rated As |
Adult | Yes | Yes | HIGH and MODERATE risk for adult content |
Alcohol | Yes | Yes | HIGH and MODERATE risk for alcohol content |
Gambling | Yes | HIGH and MODERATE risk for gambling content | |
Hate Speech | Yes | Yes | HIGH and MODERATE risk for hate speech content |
Illegal Downloads | Yes | Yes | HIGH, MODERATE, and LOW risk for illegal download content. Only URLs rated as no risk (rating = 1000) are targeted. |
Illegal Drugs | Yes | Yes | HIGH and MODERATE risk for drug content |
Offensive Language | Yes | Yes | HIGH and MODERATE risk for offensive language content |
Violence | Yes | Yes | HIGH and MODERATE risk for violent content |
Unrateable | Yes | Yes | Avoid pages marked unrateable (For example, "blind" URLs, ad server URLs, ad network URLs,,, IP addresses, etc.). For mobile app, this applies to apps not available on iTunes or the Google Play stores. |
Using proprietary machine learning, algorithmic modeling, and human verification, IAS rates the risk profile of content in the following risk segments.
Brand Risk | Definition |
Low Risk | Generally acceptable content for all ages and audiences; does not typically contain anything offensive in nature or theme |
Moderate Risk | Moderate content, typically acceptable for brands. However, caution needs to be given to subjective nature of content (for example, alcohol, tobacco or partial nudity, such as swimsuits). |
High Risk | Graphic content, typically moderately offensive but not illegal. High probability that this is offensive for leading brands/advertisers. |
Seg Code | Seg ID | Segment Description | Format | Channel |
EHAD | 501 | Avoid HIGH risk adult content pages as rated by IAS | Display | Desktop |
EHADV | 535 | Avoid HIGH risk adult content pages for video as rated by IAS | Video | Desktop |
EHAL | 503 | Avoid HIGH risk alcohol content pages as rated by IAS | Display | Desktop |
EHALV | 537 | Avoid HIGH risk alcohol content pages for video as rated by IAS | Video | Desktop |
EHDG | 507 | Avoid HIGH risk drug content pages as rated by IAS | Display | Desktop |
EHDGV | 541 | Avoid HIGH risk drug content pages for video as rated by IAS | Video | Desktop |
EHDL | 505 | Avoid HIGH risk illegal download content pages as rated by IAS | Display | Desktop |
EHDLV | 539 | Avoid HIGH risk illegal download content pages for video as rated by IAS | Video | Desktop |
EHHT | 509 | Avoid HIGH risk hate speech content pages as rated by IAS | Display | Desktop |
EHHTV | 543 | Avoid HIGH risk hate speech content pages for video as rated by IAS | Video | Desktop |
EHMAD | 502 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk adult content pages as rated by IAS | Display | Desktop |
EHMADV | 536 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk adult content pages for video as rated by IAS | Video | Desktop |
EHMAL | 504 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk alcohol content pages as rated by IAS | Display | Desktop |
EHMALV | 538 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk alcohol content pages for video as rated by IAS | Video | Desktop |
EHMDG | 508 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk drug content pages as rated by IAS | Display | Desktop |
EHMDGV | 542 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk drug content pages for video as rated by IAS | Video | Desktop |
EHMDL | 506 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk illegal download content pages as rated by IAS | Display | Desktop |
EHMDLV | 540 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk illegal download content pages for video as rated by IAS | Video | Desktop |
EHMHT | 510 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk hate speech content pages as rated by IAS | Display | Desktop |
EHMHTV | 544 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk hate speech content pages for video as rated by IAS | Video | Desktop |
EHMOF | 512 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk offensive language content pages as rated by IAS | Display | Desktop |
EHMOFV | 546 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk offensive language content pages for video as rated by IAS | Video | Desktop |
EHMVIO | 532 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk violence pages as rated by IAS | Display | Desktop |
EHMVIOV | 534 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk violence pages for video as rated by IAS | Video | Desktop |
EHOF | 511 | Avoid HIGH risk offensive language content pages as rated by IAS | Display | Desktop |
EHOFV | 545 | Avoid HIGH risk offensive language content pages for video as rated by IAS | Video | Desktop |
EHVIO | 531 | Avoid HIGH risk violence pages as rated by IAS | Display | Desktop |
EHVIOV | 533 | Avoid HIGH risk violence pages for video as rated by IAS | Video | Desktop |
EUNR | 513 | Avoid pages which IAS CANNOT RATE (for example, "blind" URLs, ad server URLS, ad network URLs,,, IP addresses, etc.) | Display | Desktop |
EUNRV | 551 | Avoid pages which IAS CANNOT RATE (for example, "blind" URLs, ad server URLS, ad network URLs,,, IP addresses, etc.) for video | Video | Desktop |
IAS supports brand safety protection segments for mobile app display. The following targeting definitions are the standard for mobile app display and video brand safety protection categories and are only applicable to the mobile app inventory supply. IAS rates all apps using these standard segments:
Seg Code | Seg ID | Segment Description | Format | Channel |
EHADA | 4000 | Avoid HIGH risk adult content apps as rated by IAS | Display | Mobile App |
EHADAV | 8000 | Avoid HIGH risk adult content apps for video as rated by IAS | Video | Mobile App |
EHALA | 4002 | Avoid HIGH risk alcohol content as rated by IAS | Display | Mobile App |
EHALAV | 8002 | Avoid HIGH risk alcohol content apps for video as rated by IAS | Video | Mobile App |
EHDGA | 4006 | Avoid HIGH risk drug content apps as rated by IAS | Display | Mobile App |
EHDGAV | 8006 | Avoid HIGH risk drug content apps for video apps as rated by IAS | Video | Mobile App |
EHDLA | 4004 | Avoid HIGH risk illegal download content apps as rated by IAS | Display | Mobile App |
EHDLAV | 8004 | Avoid HIGH risk illegal download content apps for video as rated by IAS | Video | Mobile App |
EHGA | 4008 | Avoid HIGH risk gambling apps as rated by IAS | Display | Mobile App |
EHGAV | 8008 | Avoid HIGH risk gambling apps for video as rated by IAS | Video | Mobile App |
EHHTA | 4018 | Avoid HIGH risk hate speech content apps as rated by IAS | Display | Mobile App |
EHHTAV | 8018 | Avoid HIGH risk hate speech content apps for video as rated by IAS | Video | Mobile App |
EHMADA | 4001 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk adult content apps as rated by IAS | Display | Mobile App |
EHMADAV | 8001 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk adult content apps for video as rated by IAS | Video | Mobile App |
EHMALA | 4003 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk alcohol content apps as rated by IAS | Display | Mobile App |
EHMALAV | 8003 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk alcohol content apps for video as rated by IAS | Video | Mobile App |
EHMDGA | 4007 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk drug content apps as rated by IAS | Display | Mobile App |
EHMDGAV | 8007 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk drug content apps for video as rated by IAS | Video | Mobile App |
EHMDLA | 4005 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk illegal download content apps as rated by IAS | Display | Mobile App |
EHMDLAV | 8005 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk illegal download content apps for video as rated by IAS | Video | Mobile App |
EHMGA | 4009 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk gambling content apps as rated by IAS | Display | Mobile App |
EHMGAV | 8009 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk gambling content apps for video as rated by IAS | Video | Mobile App |
EHMHTA | 4019 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE hate speech content apps as rated by IAS | Display | Mobile App |
EHMHTAV | 8019 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE hate speech content apps for video as rated by IAS | Video | Mobile App |
EHMOFA | 4011 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk offensive language content apps as rated by IAS | Display | Mobile App |
EHMOFAV | 8011 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk offensive language content apps for video as rated by IAS | Video | Mobile App |
EHMVIOA | 4013 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk violence content apps as rated by IAS | Display | Mobile App |
EHMVIOAV | 8013 | Avoid HIGH and MODERATE risk violence content apps for video as rated by IAS | Video | Mobile App |
EHOFA | 4010 | Avoid HIGH risk offensive language content apps as rated by IAS | Display | Mobile App |
EHOFAV | 8010 | Avoid HIGH risk offensive language content apps for video as rated by IAS | Video | Mobile App |
EHVIOA | 4012 | Avoid HIGH risk violence content apps as rated by IAS | Display | Mobile App |
EHVIOAV | 8012 | Avoid HIGH risk violence content for video apps as rated by IAS | Video | Mobile App |
EUNRA | 4014 | Avoid valid apps, which IAS has not rated or cannot rate (for example, new apps, private/blind apps, apps without or limited descriptions, etc.) | Display | Mobile App |
EUNRAV | 8014 | Avoid valid apps, which IAS has not rated or cannot rate (for example, new apps, private/blind apps, apps without or limited descriptions, etc.) for video | Video | Mobile App |
Custom segments allow you to meet your clients' requirements while ensuring advertisers meet their campaign goals and minimize their post-bid blocking. IAS supports custom segments on Desktop and Mobile Web channels with:
Brand Safety Protection
Context Control Avoidance
Context Control Targeting
Quality Sync Pre-bid Segments
In order to access the new custom segments, IAS activates the custom segment within the Pre-bid API. IAS needs three hours to enable the custom segment. Once enabled, you can query the Pre-bid API for the segments. Then you should refresh your cache so your application can respond accordingly.
Custom segments apply to web and mobile web inventory only (Quality Sync Pre-bid Segments apply to web and mobile app inventory).
Type | Seg Code | Seg ID | Targeting Methodology | Includes Mobile App | Notes |
Context Control Avoidance | IAS_<Unique ID>_PG | A number between 1,000,002- 1,999,999 | Negative targeting | No | Not eligible for the campaign |
Context Control Targeting | IAS_<Unique ID>_PG | A number between 3,000,000- 3,999,999 | Positive targeting | No | Eligible for the campaign |
Quality Sync Pre-bid Segments | IAS_<Unique ID>_MS | A number between 4,000,000-4,999,999 | Positive Targeting | Yes | Eligible for the campaign |
In-app Exclusion list | IAS_<Unique ID>_BL | A number between 5,000,000-5,999,999 | Negative targeting | Yes | Exclusion lists, not eligible for the campaign |
In-app Inclusion list | IAS_<Unique ID>_WL | A number between 6,000,000-6,999,999 | Positive targeting | Yes | Inclusion lists, eligible for the campaign |
In-app Required list | IAS_<Unique ID>_RL | A number between 7,000,000-7,999,999 | Positive targeting | Yes | Required lists, eligible for the campaign |
Pricing differs by segment type. You should be able to differentiate your custom segment integration to streamline integrations for current and future IAS segments. Contact your IAS representative for more details.
These profiles refer to contextual segments that can either target or exclude specific contextual based content depending on the segment type. Brand Safety Protection blocks or optimizes campaigns on web pages by scanning page contents against a set of custom criteria, to accord with a team's Context Control thresholds.
The API returns a custom object in the JSON response when the URL is in a segment in a profile. IAS returns segments in the same API call as requests for standard IAS viewability, brand safety, and invalid traffic.
Note: The presence of the segment ID or code in the response indicates a word in the profile is in the segment.
Context Control Avoidance lets you avoid pages which are not suitable for the brand's custom standards. When avoiding content and IAS isn't able to score the page, you should also avoid pages with the unscored segment which is only relevant for Context Control Avoidance.
Context Control Avoidance uses negative targeting - the presence of the response object identifies when the page is not suitable for the brand's custom standards. Conversely, the absence of any Context Control Avoidance information means the page is brand suitable. When applying multiple avoidance segments, IAS recommends using OR logic between segments. If any of the selected avoidance segments are returned from the IAS API endpoint for a URL/bundle ID, then do not bid.
DSPs activate the unscored page response by default when you use Brand Safety Protection. Therefore you can have the unscored segment active by default if a client uses Context Control Avoidance. Otherwise if the unscored response isn't activated by default, you need to add the unscored score or code as a custom targeting segment in the DSP.
Note: IAS recommends to always apply the unscored segment for Context Control Avoidance.
Endpoint | Naming Convention | Example |
segt | Always returns 1,000,001 for an unscored page | 1000001 |
seg | Always returns IAS_UNSCORED_PG for an unscored page | IAS_UNSCORED_PG |
segt | A number between 1,000,002-1,999,999 | 1000075 |
seg | IAS_<unique ID>_PG | IAS_23_PG |
For example, from the segt endpoint:
"segment_ids": [ "1000075" ]
An example from the seg endpoint:
"segment_codes": [ "IAS_23_PG"]
Made for Advertising
Within Context Control Avoidance are two segments to avoid Made for Advertising (MFA) sites.
Seg Code | Seg ID | Description | Format | Channel |
IAS_1513948_PG | 1513948 | MFA sites and sites with ad clutter | Display | Desktop |
IAS_1513949_PG | 1513949 | MFA sites | Display | Desktop |
Context Control Targeting uses positive targeting when the presence of the response object identifies when the page is suitable for the brand's custom standards. IAS returns the seg code with the convention IAS_<unique ID>_PG and seg ID 3,000,000-3,999,999 to identify the positive targeting. When applying multiple targeting segments, IAS recommends using OR logic between segments. If any of the selected targeting segments are returned from the IAS API endpoint for a URL/bundle ID, then bid.
Context Control Targeting also supports a single segment containing other segments; these segment of segments are created in IAS Signal.
Endpoint | Naming Convention | Example |
segt | A number between 3,00,000 and 3,999,999 | 3000002 |
seg | IAS_<Unique ID>_PG | IAS_1299_PG |
For example, from the segt endpoint:
"segment_ids": [ "3000002" ]
An example from the seg endpoint:
"segment_codes": [ "IAS_1299_PG"]
Quality Sync Pre-bid Segments reflect the entirety of a user's content avoidance profile, encompassing the Brand Safety, Fraud, Custom List, and Custom blocking setting for their Open Web campaigns. The Quality Sync Pre-bid Segments can be used for Web and App inventory. The Pre-bid API outputs the same segment code from both the mobile and app API endpoints.
When applying multiple Quality Sync segments, IAS recommends using AND logic between segments. It is only safe to bid when all Quality Sync segments are returned from the IAS API endpoint for a URL/bundle ID.
Seg Code | Seg ID | Description | Format | Channel |
CTV_FULLY_ONSCREEN | 800000 | Contains a list of all apps IAS verified for Fully On-Screen Measurement | VIDEO | CTV_APP |
This Java code gets the token, then uses the token for a Pre-bid API request.
Consult with your IAS Solution Engineer representative for a client ID and client secret.
See a Java example to get the access token.
private static String getAccessToken(String url, String clientId, String clientSecret) throws IOException {"Getting access token");
ClientCredentialsTokenRequest request = new ClientCredentialsTokenRequest(new NetHttpTransport(), new JacksonFactory(), new GenericUrl(url));
TokenResponse response = request.setClientAuthentication(new BasicAuthentication(clientId, clientSecret)).execute();
return response.getAccessToken();
Insert the token in the header for each report request.
See a Java example on how to make an API request.
private static String makeAPIRequest(String url, String token) throws IOException {"Using access token " + token.substring(token.length() - 15) + " for " + url);
// Pass the access token in the header 'Authorization:bearer'
Credential credential = new Credential(BearerToken.authorizationHeaderAccessMethod()).setAccessToken(token);
HttpRequestFactory requestFactory = new NetHttpTransport().createRequestFactory(credential);
HttpResponse httpResponse = requestFactory.buildGetRequest(new GenericUrl(url)).execute();
return httpResponse.parseAsString();
This code uses Google API and OAuth clients to make requests and parse the responses, as well as Apache logging.
See the dependencies as shown.
This sample passes in 3 parameters to get a token which it uses to make a request to the Pre-bid API.
Parameter | Variable | Description |
args[0] | clientId | The ID your IAS Solution Engineer representative provides |
args[1] | clientSecret | The secret for the ID your IAS representative provides |
args[2] | url | The URL for making a Pre-bid API request |
See the complete Java code example.
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
* * Demonstrates how to request access tokens and how to use them in api calls.
* Uses Google api client library See <a href
* client/oauth2></a>.
public class SampleClientSimple {
private final static String TOKEN_SERVER_URL = "";
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(SampleClientSimple.class);
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
if (args.length != 3) {
LOG.error("Arguments: <client-id> <client-secret> <url>");
String clientId = args[0];
String clientSecret = args[1];
String url = args[2];
String token = getAccessToken(TOKEN_SERVER_URL, clientId, clientSecret);
String result = makeAPIRequest(url, token);;
private static String getAccessToken(String url, String clientId, String clientSecret) throws IOException {"Getting access token");
ClientCredentialsTokenRequest request = new ClientCredentialsTokenRequest(new NetHttpTransport(), new JacksonFactory(), new GenericUrl(url));
TokenResponse response = request.setClientAuthentication(new BasicAuthentication(clientId, clientSecret)).execute();
return response.getAccessToken();
private static String makeAPIRequest(String url, String token) throws IOException {"Using access token " + token.substring(token.length() - 15) + " for " + url);
// Pass the access token in the header 'Authorization:bearer'
Credential credential = new Credential(BearerToken.authorizationHeaderAccessMethod()).setAccessToken(token);
HttpRequestFactory requestFactory = new NetHttpTransport().createRequestFactory(credential);
HttpResponse httpResponse = requestFactory.buildGetRequest(new GenericUrl(url)).execute();
return httpResponse.parseAsString();
The following example shows requesting a token every hour and then uses the token to get the segments on various URLs in a multi-threaded environment.
See the complete Java code example.
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
* Demonstrates how to request access tokens and how to use them in api calls.
* Uses Google api client library See <a href
public class SampleClient {
private final static String CLIENT_ID = "<<CLIENT_ID>>";
private final static String CLIENT_SECRET = "<<CLIENT_SECRET>>";
private final static String TOKEN_SERVER_URL = "https://<<TOKEN_SERVER_ADDRESS>>/uaa/oauth/token";
private final static String BASE_API_URL = "http://<<API_SERVER_ADDRESS>>/db2/client/<<CLIENT_ID>>/seg?adsafe_url=";
private static final long TOKEN_REFRESHER_RUNNER_INTERVAL = 10;
private static final long REQUEST_RUNNER_INTERVAL = 1;
// Refresh access token an hour before it expires
private static final long THRESHOLD = 60 * 60;
private Date nextTokenRefreshTime;
private volatile String accessToken;
private final ScheduledExecutorService actionTokenRefresherScheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
private final ScheduledExecutorService processRunnerScheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(10);
// Some random URLs
private final static List<String> URLS = Arrays.asList("", "", "", "", "");
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(SampleClient.class);
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
SampleClient client = new SampleClient();
// Simulate api call requests
private void updateAccessToken() {"updating access token");
try {
// Use Basic Authentication against token server
final TokenResponse tokenResponse = new ClientCredentialsTokenRequest(new NetHttpTransport(), new JacksonFactory(), new GenericUrl(TOKEN_SERVER_URL)).setClientAuthentication(new BasicAuthentication(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET)).execute();"Obtained " + tokenResponse.toPrettyString());
nextTokenRefreshTime = calculateNextTokenRefreshTime(tokenResponse);
accessToken = tokenResponse.getAccessToken();
} catch (IOException e) {
private void callAPIService(final String url) {"Using access token " + accessToken.substring(accessToken.length() - 15) + " calling for " + url);
final String uRLToFire = BASE_API_URL + url;
// Pass the access token in the header 'Authorization:bearer'
final Credential credential = new Credential(BearerToken.authorizationHeaderAccessMethod()).setAccessToken(accessToken);
final HttpRequestFactory requestFactory
= new NetHttpTransport().createRequestFactory(credential);
try {
final HttpResponse httpResponse = requestFactory.buildGetRequest(new GenericUrl(uRLToFire)).execute();;
} catch (IOException e) {
// Handle Error Scenario
private Date calculateNextTokenRefreshTime(final TokenResponse tokenResponse) {
return new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + (tokenResponse.getExpiresInSeconds() * 1000) - THRESHOLD * 1000);
private void launchRequestRunners() {
processRunnerScheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(new RequestRunner(), 5, REQUEST_RUNNER_INTERVAL, SECONDS);
private String getARandomURL() {
return URLS.get(new Random().nextInt(URLS.size()));
private void launchAccessTokenRefresherRunner() {
actionTokenRefresherScheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TokenRefresherRunner(), 10, TOKEN_REFRESHER_RUNNER_INTERVAL, SECONDS);
private class TokenRefresherRunner implements Runnable {
public void run() {
private void handleAccessTokenRefresh() {
if (needTokenRefresh()) {"Access token refreshing threshold has reached.");
} else {"Access token refreshing threshold has not reached yet. Doing nothing.");
private boolean needTokenRefresh() {
return new Date().after(nextTokenRefreshTime);
private class RequestRunner implements Runnable {
public void run() {
Here are example response outputs with explanations for the responses for various environments.
Invalid Traffic
Response | Notable Missing Segments | Interpretation | Risk Level |
{"segment_ids":["ESA","ESAHM","ESAV","ESAHMV","ESAUNR","ESAUNRV"]} | None | IAS rated this domain as a low risk for IVT for both web display and video | Low |
{"segment_ids":["ESA","ESAV","ESAUNR","ESAUNRV"]} | ESAHM, ESAHMV | IAS rated this domain as a moderate risk for IVT for both web display and video | Moderate |
{"segment_ids":["ESAUNR","ESAUNRV"]} | ESA, ESAV | IAS rated this domain as a high risk for IVT for both web display and video | High |
{"segment_codes":[]} | ESAUNR, ESAUNRV | IAS did not rate this domain for IVT | Unrated |
Response | Notable Missing Segments | Interpretation | Risk Level |
{"segment_codes":["EHVIO","EHVIOV","EHMVIO","EHMVIOV","EUNR","EUNRV"]} | None | IAS rated this domain as a low risk for violence for web display and video | Low |
{"segment_codes":["EHVIO","EHVIOV","EUNR","EUNRV"]} | EHMVIO, EHMVIOV | IAS rated this domain as a moderate risk for violence for web display and video | Moderate |
{"segment_codes":["EUNR","EUNRV"]} | EHVIO, EHVIOV | IAS rated this domain as a high risk for violence for web display and video | High |
{"segment_codes":[]} | EUNR, EUNRV | IAS can't rate this domain for brand safety for web display nor video | Unrated |
Invalid Traffic
Response | Notable Missing Segments | Interpretation | Risk Level |
{"segment_ids":["ESAA","ESAAV","ESAHMA","ESAHMAV","ESAUNRA","ESAUNRAV"]} | None | IAS rated this app as a low risk for IVT for both mobile app display and video | Low |
{"segment_ids":["ESAA","ESAAV","ESAUNRA","ESAUNRAV"]} | ESAHMA, ESAHMAV | IAS rated this app as a moderate risk for IVT for both mobile app display and video | Moderate |
{"segment_ids":["ESAUNRA","ESAUNRAV"]} | ESAA, ESAAV | IAS rated this app as a high risk for IVT for both mobile app display and video | High |
{"segment_codes":[]} | ESAUNRA, ESAUNRAV | IAS did not rate this app for IVT | Unrated |
Response | Notable Missing Segments | Interpretation | Risk Level |
{"segment_codes":["EHVIOA","EHVIOAV","EHMVIOA","EHMVIOAV","EUNRA","EUNRAV"]} | None | IAS rated this app as a low risk for violence for mobile app display and video | Low |
{"segment_codes":["EHVIOA","EHVIOAV","EUNRA","EUNRAV"]} | EHMVIOA, EHMVIOAV | IAS rated this app as a moderate risk for violence for mobile app display and video | Moderate |
{"segment_codes":["EUNRA","EUNRAV"]} | EHVIOA, EHVIOAV | IAS rated this app as a high risk for violence for mobile app display and video | High |
{"segment_codes":[]} | EUNRA, EUNRAV | IAS can't rate this app for brand safety for desktop display nor video | Unrated |
Context Control Avoidance
Response | Notable Missing Segments | Interpretation | Risk Level |
{"segment_codes":["IAS_UNSCORED_PG"]} | Not applicable | IAS has not or cannot score the page for Context Control | Avoid |
{"segment_codes":["IAS_1500692_PG"]} | IAS_UNSCORED_PG | IAS has scored the page and it should be avoided for Sensitive Social Issues | Avoid |
{"segment_codes":[]} | IAS_UNSCORED_PG | IAS has scored the page and it does not meet criteria for Sensitive Social Issues | Suitable |
Response | Notable Missing Segments | Interpretation | Suggestion |
{"segment_codes":["IAS_UNSCORED_PG"]} | Not applicable | IAS has not or cannot score the page for Context Control | Not contextually relevant |
{"segment_codes":["IAS_3008527_PG"]} | IAS_UNSCORED_PG | IAS has scored the page and it should be targeted for Automotive | Target |
{"segment_codes":[]} | IAS_UNSCORED_PG | IAS has scored the page and it does not meet criteria for Automotive | Not contextually relevant |
Create an IAS case with details of your inquiry to receive help from our internal support team.