This document provides a technical overview of the IAS Suitability Profile Editor.
IAS Suitability Profile Editor enables users to create, save, test, and publish Suitability Profiles (SP), which are to be assigned to a team.
You can find the Suitability Profile Editor at the following URL:
See Log In for more information.
The Suitability Profile Editor:
Component | Description |
Edit Box | The area to enter the names of the categories, feelings, lemmas, and Keywords that define the SP. |
Color Legend | The text in the Edit Box is displayed in a color that indicates its type, a category, a feeling, lemma, or Keyword. |
Suggestions Control | When clicked, this control opens a tag cloud below the Edit Box with a list of categories, feelings, and entities that are related to the daily sample content that matches the current definition of the SP. |
Taxonomy Control | When clicked, this control opens a tree view of the Taxonomy. A node that is clicked has the associated element added into the SP Edit Box. Branches can be expanded and contracted. |
Keyword List Entry Control | When clicked, this control opens an Edit Box that accepts a comma-separated list of Keywords to be added into the SP. There are two Boolean logic controls (OR and AND) for how the Keywords are combined when inserted into the SP. |
Management Controls | This area contains the controls to invoke specific features of the Edit Box. |
Color | Description |
Red | Words in red correspond to Taxonomy feelings (emotions) and sentiment (negative or positive). These elements identify emotions and sentiment evoked by the page. |
Green | Words in green correspond to Taxonomy contextual categories (topics). These categories reflect the contextual meaning of the page. |
Dark Blue | Words in dark blue correspond to entities that are one or more main lemmas, named entities or other elements that are not a recognized directly as an Taxonomy contextual category or feeling. |
Purple | Words in purple correspond to Keywords. See Keywords for a detailed explanation. |
The Taxonomy is a hierarchical list of categories and feelings (emotions and sentiment) that are detected in the text analyzed by the ADmantX Semantic Analysis (SA) Service.
Depending on the category and which level it resides at in the taxonomy it could be a parent only (level 1), a child only (lowest level of a branch), or both a parent and a child. Whenever a parent category is added to a SP, the child categories are included automatically. For example, when sport is added, all sport subcategories are automatically included.
When you use a parent category in an SP the results are broad since they include all of its descendants. When you use a child category moving down a branch of the taxonomy the target is narrower (more focused) and may result in a lower percentage of inventory.
You can download the Taxonomy via the 'Download Taxonomy' link in the Suitability Profile Editor. The Taxonomy is also available in the Suitability Profile Editor as a selectable tree of nodes (see Taxonomy Feature).
Topics and feelings must be entered in lowercase to be recognized as defined in the Taxonomy. Otherwise the words are interpreted as an entity (the text is dark blue instead of green or red).
Use Boolean expressions and elements with logical operators to form the SP. Edit Box operators are not allowed as a part of an entity or Keyword.
Example Operator
Two entities:
bed & breakfast
Single entity:
bed and breakfast
The SP bed & breakfast is targeting content that involves the two entities (bed and breakfast) separated by a logical operator (&). Recognized as two different entities bed and breakfast, connected by the & (logical AND) operator.
However, if the campaign target content is about bed and breakfast then use the associated topic from the Taxonomy as follows:
bed & breakfast represents 2 entities, while bed and breakfast is a single topic.
Note in this example the topic bed and breakfast is displayed in green. The bed and breakfast topic is located under the taxonomy branch travel > travel type. Please refer to the next section if you'd like to use the operators & or , in a Keyword or entity.
Example & and , as part of keywords and entities
The operators & and , can be used as a part of Keywords or entities by delimiting the words with a pair of @ characters (for Keywords) or # characters (for entities).
@bed & breakfast@, @B&B@, #bed & breakfast#, #B&B#
For example:
The symbol for the logical OR operator is the | (pipe) character. If the SP contains two or more elements connected by the | operator, the SP is recognized if the text that is analyzed contains at least one of these elements.
Example OR
results | singing
The symbol for the logical AND operator is the & (ampersand) character.
Example Logical AND
"classical music" and "opera" are found, or in those texts where the category "singing" is found:
classical music & opera | singing
If the SP contains two or more elements connected by the & operator, the SP is recognized if the text that is analyzed contains all of the elements described by both sides of the expression.
The & operator has the highest priority in an SP. The ADmantX SA Service first looks for contextual matches of the elements grouped by all AND conditions and then the combined result is evaluated with any OR conditions. Also, parenthesized expressions can enforce specific order evaluation as required.
Recognized in those texts where both categories classical music and opera are found, or in those texts where the category singing is found:
classical music & opera | singing
is solved in the following order:
classical music & opera = results
results | singing
The symbol for the logical NOT operator is the ! (exclamation mark) character. If the ! operator precedes one or more elements of the SP, the SP is recognized if the text that is analyzed does not contain these elements.
The ! operator is interpreted as "AND NOT" and must be preceded by one or more elements and succeeded by at least one element. If there are multiple elements surrounding the ! operator be sure to apply parentheses around the expressions as in () ! ()to properly encapsulate the logic.
Example NOT
"classical music" and "opera," and not about "television" or does not connote negative sentiment:
(classical music & opera) ! (television | negative sentiment)
The symbol used to force an entity is the # (number sign) character.
Example Forced Entity
physics is forced as an entity:
The # operator is put before an element of the SP to force that element to be interpreted as an entity, that is, the form of the word is used to identify entities related to it within the content. Use # if you want the element (that would normally be recognized as a category or a feeling) to be recognized as an entity (persons, places, organizations, things, or lemmas).
You can also use the # operator to force two or more elements to be recognized as one element, that is included in the SP as an entity. In order to do this, two or more elements must be bracketed by the # operator.
In the Edit Box, adding the # operator to force an element that is a topic or a feeling to be an entity changes the color of the element to reflect it appropriately.
Lemma Expression | Description of Elements |
#experimental physics# | This expression contains a single element: experimental physics is forced as an entity |
experimental #physics | This expression contains two distinct elements (note the colors displayed in the Editor for the elements): 1. experimental is an entity 2. #physics is forced as an entity |
experimental physics | This expression contains two distinct elements (note the colors displayed in the Editor for the elements): 1. experimental is an entity 2. physics is a category |
Enclosing words and operators within parenthesis ( ) generates element blocks. Inner blocks are solved before the outer blocks. The priority of the logical operators is maintained within a block. Logical operators outside of all blocks are applied to the whole SP.
Example Element
"classical music" and "opera" or "singing" or connotes the feeling "joy":
classical music & (opera | singing | joy)
A Keyword is formed by one or more words that must be contained in the analyzed text. If these words are contained in the text exactly as they are written in the SP, and they are not contained in another word, then the SP is triggered. Keywords must be entered in the native language of the content being targeted.
Example Keywords
Two Keywords, "classical music" and "rock":
@classical music@ | (opera & singing & joy) ! @rock
The power of IAS semantic analysis is the ability to provide an understanding of the context of the page in terms of its meaning and the emotions evoked by a person reading the text. Keyword searches are limiting in nature as they do not convene meaning and can provide false positive results due to ambiguity. The Keyword elements of an SP are supposed to be used in unique cases where a specific word or phrase is so important either to target toward or to avoid.
Note: IAS recommends you avoid over using the Keyword feature.
You can add Keywords to an SP by entering the Keyword preceded by @ (at sign). If the Keyword is compound, for example, it is formed by more than one word, then the Keyword phrase should be delimited by a pair of @ characters. If the Keyword is written in the correct way it is purple-colored in the Edit Box.
The Suitability Profile Editor Service daily analyzes a random sample of web pages and these pages are used to test your SPs prior to publishing. Click the Suggestions link to show the elements (topics, feelings, and entities) that are related to the SP from the daily content sample, or if the Editor is empty, the most relevant elements in the latest sample set of content analyzed by the Suitability Profiles Editor Service. You can add any element displayed in the tag cloud to the SP. The element is added at the location of the cursor within the Edit Box.
The following shows the Suggestions tag cloud from an empty SP Edit Box:
Each tag is displayed with the color of its type and a size in proportion to its relevance in the daily sample of web pages. Click on an element to add it to the Edit Box.
Two predefined tags are displayed at the top of the tag cloud, [all_topics] and [all_feelings]:
[all_topics] tag is used to represent all contextual categories
[all_feelings] tag is used to represent all feelings (emotions and sentiment) categories from the Taxonomy.
The Taxonomy link shows the Taxonomy tree. Click the + button to browse the taxonomy branches, or type what you are looking for (for example, sports, cars, rock music, etc.) in the Search Taxonomy box to find applicable categories/emotions across all taxonomy branches. Click on any element in the tree to add it to the SP.
Note: If the SP is in operational mode, it is necessary to add the operators before and/or after the element added from the tree.
The following shows the Taxonomy tree view from an empty SP Edit Box:
SP are created by entering words that represent the desired topics, feelings, entities, and/or Keywords with the necessary combination of operators into the text box at the top of the page.
The Taxonomy contains the hierarchical representation of the topics (contextual categories) and the feelings (emotional categories) that you can type in the Edit Box. SPs created in the Edit Box at the top of the page can be cleared, saved, and tested. An example of an SP creation and the controls available:
The Analyzer lists the SP elements detected on a URL page of interest that is similar to a pages you want to either target toward or away from in your campaign. To use the Analyzer,
Copy the URL and paste it into an empty Edit Box:
Click the Analyzer link to generate a result of SP elements detected on the page. The result of analyzing a URL:
The elements returned can be used as the basis while you continue to define and refine the SP for your campaign.
You can test an SP in the new SP Edit Box or a saved SP Edit Box. Each Edit Box contains controls for the available actions. Click the Test link to initiate the test.
If the SP contains a syntax error (for example too many levels of parenthesis) the following error dialog is displayed after you click Test:
There are other invalid syntax error messages that can occur. These include:
The SP can't start with an operator
SP can't contain ':'
Wrong number of brackets
When any of these errors are displayed, click OK to close the error dialog and correct the SP. For example, an SP for targeting content that is about music or singing and is not about rock music (since rock music is added to the AND NOT clause it overrides the positive targeting clause).
The following shows this SP:
Click the Test control to initiate the test. If the SP syntax is valid the test results dialog is displayed:
In the test results dialog, for each SP match the following is provided:
Date and time the article was published
Title of the article
Hyperlink to the matched page
Semantic categories from the SP that trigger the match
The hyperlink provided allows you to open the page to review the content.
To close the dialog click the XClose of the test results dialog.
You must login to the IAS Suitability Profile Editor Service in order to save and publish SPs. Use the ID and the associated password to gain access to the Profile Editor.
Note: Contact your IAS representative for your ID and instruction on how to add the API key to the Profile Editor account.
To save a Profile, click the Save button. Fill in the following information and then click OK:
Description (optional)
Create an IAS case with details of your inquiry to receive help from our internal support team.